
The PRISCA team have a long record of coordination/participation to research projects funded under programs of the Italian Ministry of Education, University, and Research and the Framework Programmes of the European Union



2025-2029 SWEET

“Social aWareness for sErvicE roboTs” (HORIZON-MSCA-DN-2023) – Coordinator

2023-2027 TRAIL

“TRAnsparent InterpretabLe robots” (HORIZON-MSCA-DN) – PI

2023-2026 ERROR

“Evaluating tRust weaRing Off in Robots” (AFOSR) – PI

2023-2025 ADVISOR

“ADaptiVe legIble robotS for trustwORthy health coaching” (PRIN 2022 PNRR) – Coordinator

2023-2027 BEaCH - FIT4MEDROB: Fit for Medical Robotics

“a personal robot for BEhavioral CHange” (PNC) – PI

2023-2027 FAIR: Future Artificial Intelligence Research

SPOKE 3: RESILIENT AI “AI Techniques for Resilient Human-Human-Robot Interaction” (PNRR) – PI-

2023-2025 TrustPACTX

“Design of the Hybrid Society Humans-Autonomous Systems: Architecture, Trustworthiness, Trust, EthiCs, and EXplainability (the case of Patient Care)” (MUR PRIN 2022) – PI

2024-2025 AGID

“Applicazioni Innovative di Realta’ Virtuale e Aumentata per Persone con una Condizione dello Spettro Autistico” (AGID) – PI


2021-2024 PERSEO

“European Training Network on PErsonalized Robotics as SErvice Oriented applications” (H2020-MSCA-ITN-2020) – Coordinator

2021-2024 COHERENT

“COllaborative HiErarchical Robotic ExplaNaTions” (CHIST-ERA NET on Explainable Machine Learning-based Artificial Intelligence – XAI) – PI

2022-2023 BRILLO

“Bartending Robot for Interactive Long-Lasting Operations” (PON I&C 2014-2020 MISE) – Scientific Coordination and Research Unit –

2018-2020 AVATEA

“Advanced Virtual Adaptive Technologies e-hEAlth” (POR FESR CAMPANIA 2014/2020) – Scientific Coordination and Research Unit –

2017-2020 UPA4SAR

“User Profiling and Adaptation for Socially Assistive Robotics” (Italian Ministry of Education, University, and Research under program PRIN 2015) – Principal Investigator and Coordinator

2022-2024 PRO-CARED

“PROaCtive personAlised Robot bEhaviour for eDucation” (Tecniospring INDUSTRY – funded by the Government of Catalonia and the Marie Slododwska-Curie Actions (Horizon 2020) of the EU) – Abroad Host Organization

2012-2015 ORCHESTRA

“Organization of Cultural Heritage for Smart Tourism and Real Time Accessibility” (Italian Ministry of Education, University, and Research under program – PON, 2007-2013) – Research Unit

2012-2015 SAPHARI

“Safe and Autonomous Physical Human‐Aware Robot Interaction” (EU FP7, 2011-2015) – Participant

2009-2011 DEXMART

“DEXterous and autonomous dual-arm/hand robotic manipulation with sMART sensory-motor skills: A bridge from natural to artificial cognition” (EU FP7 2008-2012) – Participant

2022-2024 REACT-EU

Italian PON R&I 2014-2020 – REACT-EU – PI

2018-2020 SCOPERTA

“Siti Culturali e Offerta di Percorsi Emozionali con Reti di Tecnologie Avanzate” (POR FESR CAMPANIA 2014/2020) – Research Unit

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