Title: A personal robot for BEhavioral Change
Duration: 44 months
Starting Date: 1/12/2022
This project proposes the development of a personal robot that can help individuals change their behavior in areas such as addiction, eating disorders, and lack of constancy in pursuing a goal. The robot will replicate the psychological and social mechanisms that make behavioral change easier and will be able to represent knowledge available in the literature and acquired through specialists in the different fields of intervention. It will plan personalized and diversity-aware strategies, have a theory of mind to represent users’ mental state, perceive and learn the context that surrounds the person, and interact verbally and non-verbally to implement the strategies. The aim is to create a robot that can provide external aid and support to help individuals achieve their health goals.
– Università degli Studi di Genova
– Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
– Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Piano Nazionale Complementare (PNC) – Decreto Direttoriale n. 931 del 6 giugno 2022 – Avviso per la concessione di finanziamenti destinati ad iniziative di ricerca per tecnologie e percorsi innovativi in ambito sanitario e assistenziale
Project identifier: PNC0000007