Head of the PRISCA lab. Her research interests include Social Robotics, Socially Assistive Robotics, Human-Robot Interaction, Adaptive Behavior, and Cognitive Robotics
Alessandra's research interests include Human–(Multi) Robot Interaction, social robotics, trust and XAI, multi-agent systems and user profiling
Francesco is a PhD student in the ITEE PhD course at the University of Naples Federico II. His research areas are computer vision and machine learning. GOOGLE SCHOLAR
Augustine is a PostDoc working on TrustPactX project. He got his PhD at Osaka University and Master of Engineering at the University of Nigeria.
Luigi is a PostDoc working on the ADVISOR project. He got his PhD from Ulster University, UK. His research interest focuses on developing ambient assisted living solutions involving activity recognition and gait analysis using wearable sensors and artificial intelligence.
Raffaella is a PhD student in Psychology. Her research includes the evaluation of the effects of robot deception and errors on trust. Her scholarship is funded by the ERROR project.
His main research interests cover Speech Technologies, Information Retrieval in Spoken Language Corpora, Speech perception in Humans and Machines, Multimodal Interfaces, and Speech Dialogue Systems
Antonio's main research interests are in the field of Human-Computer Interaction for Cultural Heritage and in the field of Automatic Speech Processing, with a special interest towards Social Signal Processing applications
Silvio's research interests include Pattern Recognition, Videos and Time Series analysis, financial market analysis, biometric recognition and video surveillance GOOGLE SCHOLAR
Antonio has been a PostDoc at PRISCA Lab with the Tecniospring INDUSTRY project PRO-CARED. The project was partially funded by the Government of Catalonia and the Marie Slododwska-Curie Actions (Horizon 2020) of the EU.